Learn more about Marion and Grant County with a visit to our Museum. Sign up with the form on this page or call the Museum for more information.

Learn how Marion and Grant County's early boom and bust followed the discovery of natural gas - and that resource's depletion from reckless use.

Heavy industry drove our local economy. Crosley automobiles were built in Marion from 1946-1952. They were the first mass-produced American economy cars built after WWII.

Learn more about Marion and Grant County with a visit to our Museum. Sign up with the form on this page or call the Museum for more information.
The Marion Public Library Museum preserves the history of Marion and Grant County through exhibits and artifacts.
The Museum is in the historic Carnegie Building, which housed Marion Public Library from 1902-1991. Once the library moved into the new building, work began on the museum, and it opened in 1992.
The latest exhibit is the interactive Made in Marion, which highlights Grant County's boom years. Abundant natural gas lured businesses here, especially glass factories. Find out about the boom and bust that shaped Grant County's industrial roots.
Other exhibits include a Crosley automobile that was manufactured in Marion, glass made in local factories, items from the Grant County Historical Society that had been displayed in the Matter Park Octogenarian Museum until 1991, antique electric kitchen appliance, children's toys, and vintage clothing. The Patriotic Exhibit features photos and uniforms.
The Irene Reed Indiana History and Genealogy Department is also in the Carnegie Building. Special non-circulating collections provide information for those researching Marion and Grant County history and those tracing family histories. A gift from the Keating Foundation in 1985 furnished and redecorated part of this expanded area in honor of Irene Reed, who gave more than 33 years of service to the library and community.
Open year-round. Group tours are available; please arrange in advance with the Museum curator by filling out the form on this page or by calling for information at (765) 668-2900, Ext. 1131